Ça va être 2 rapports en un. J'ai affronté un force de marine dans un match de deux parties. J'ai été anéantir durant le premier partie mais J'ai réussi à faire un nul au deuxième. Mon adversiare m'a donné un bon défi dû à il est un trés bon tacticien.
The 1st game was Annihilation/Spearhead. Here was the initial setup for both sides:
Le premier partie étais Annihilation/Spearhead. Voici le setup pour les deux adversaires:
My main mistake was to focus all my heavy firepower on my opponent's land raider, a largely futile effort that wasted 4 lascannon shots a round. Had I succeeded, I would have received 1 point when there were far easier targets on the table.
Mon erreur majeur étais mon gaspillage de la fortitude des armes de mon Land Raider et Obliterators en éssais de fracassé son Land Raider. Il existe des objectifs plus faciles.
My second mistake was to split my forces up and spread them all over the table again. My opponent had his firepower concentrated and so he was clearing a unit a turn.
Mon deuxième erreur étais que j'ai trop separés mes unités. Mon adversaire a détruit un par tour avec sa puissance de feu concentré.
My third mistake was to take my plague marines out too early. I gambled the land raider and the obliterators could pop the bunker and then my PMs could flame the survivors. It didn't happen and I was left with the desperate gambit of assaulting a bunker with a lone survivor (which actually went pretty well, all things considered). A full squad would have done some serious damage.
Ma troisième erreur étais que j'ai sorti trop tôt de mon rhino avec les plague marines. J'ai risqué que mon LR et Oblits peu fassent tombé le bunker pour que mes PM peu fassent un SM barbecue avec leurs flamers. Mais ça se ne produit pas. Finalement j'ai étais laisser avec un PM qui a affronté les SM tout seule. Un squad au complet réussiraient plus facilement.
My final mistake was to send in the deepstrikers (Plague princess & Termies) into the thick of it where they received the full wrath of a vindicator, predator and squad of tacticals. I hate the 'sit-and-wait-to-be-annihilated' rule for deepstrikers. To be fair to myself, it was a gamble that the termies would be able to dust the vindicator with their plasma. Unfortunately my rolls were abysmal.
Mon dernier erreur fatale étais de l'envoyé mes deepstrikers en face de trop des fusils peu amical (un Vindicator, un Predator, et un escouade tactique). Je déteste le réglement que les deepstrikers dois attendre un tour. J'ai risqué que mon squad de Termies peu détruise le Vindicator mais ça n'a pas marché dû à mes jeté de dés misérables.
Things that went well were few and far between. I kept my 2nd Chosen squad alive until the final turn by hiding them in the bunker. They took severe punishment from the vindicator, turn after turn but didn't die until I took them out.
Il n'y a pas tellement de bonnes nouvelles de Nurgle. Malgré, j'ai gardé ma deuxième escouade Chosen vivant en se cacher dans le bunker. Le vindicator a se secoué quelque fois mais les Chosen n'étais pas endommagé de que je les sortent.
Also, my cheapie marine squad took down a dreadnought with their meltas. They were very effective in both games.
Comme bonus, mes CSM pas cher a planté un dread avec leurs Meltas. Je l'ai trouvé efficace dans les deux parties.
The end result, Nurgle wipeout.
Résultat: Nurgle anéanti!
Scratchbuilding and painting:
Plague Reaper
Warhound's Necrotic Companions
Fellios the Fallen and cohorts
New table
Chaos Lord
Chosen squad
Scratchbuilt Greater Daemon
Scratchbuilt Rhino
Epic Titans
Team game battle reports
Heretics of the Broken Dawn 2 x2
Lady Pestilence’s' 1st Outing
Regular Battle reports
Scrapyard Blues
Making Don’s BA sweat
First time facing pure Necrons
Christmas with the Greenskins
Don’s IG on a new board
Nurgle Annihilated by Blood Angels
1st time versus Tarkand
Mexican standoff: 2nd Game vs. Tarkand
Nurgle Downs the Sisters
Faceoff with the Lions of Achaea on a brand new board
Tight match against Corbeau’s Nids
The death of Pedro Kantor
Apocalypse battle reports
La Chute de Dominus Org (Fr.)
Fall of Dominus Org (Eng.)
The betrayal of Fellios and the fall of Engel Sarg
Chester’s first outing and first time going Nuclear!
Chester gets schooled by the Eldar!
Experimental Games
NERFed Battle with the Tau
Easter Egg hunt
Super Heavy Scrum
1st Spearhead Match
A tenuous alliance
Chaos Ludik 2011!
Storms Cityfight Tournament: part 2
Storms Cityfight Tournament: part 1
’Ard Boyz Practice Match against Valkom’s IG
Game Summit
Random stuff
Gorillapod tripod test with remote
Warhammer in a nutshell
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