Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Fellios The Fallen and his Cohorts

Oswald the Indigestible
Oswald l'indigeste

Pendant que Fellios s’était fui de Engel Sarg et les murs de la forteresse étaient en train de tomber, il trouva Oswald qui étaient inconscient. Avec une escouade de dix marines tactiques, il fut attaqué par des hormagaunts. L’escouade tactique était massacrée mais Oswald perdit seulement une jambe.

When Fellios was fleeing Engel Sarg and the fortress walls were tumbling around his ears, he came upon the unconscious Oswald. Along with a full ten man tactical squad, the hapless librarian had been attacked by hormagaunts. Although the tactical squad had been massacred, Oswald had only lost his leg in the fight.

Pour les raisons inexplicable, Oswald était épargné, et Fellios blagua que peut étre Oswald n’était pas à le goût de le tyranide. Non seulement Oswald survit cette journée mais également sa légende. Dès lors, il était surnommer Oswald l’indigeste.

For reasons unexplained, Oswald had been spared, and Fellios joked that perhaps he did not please the tyranid palate. Not only did Oswald survive that day, but his mythology did as well, and he was nicknamed Oswald the Indigestible.

Blague à part, Oswald est un bibliothécaire formidable à part entière. Quand même, il bataille chaque jour contre l’affliction qui attaque chaque membre des Anges Sanglantes de Fellios; La Pourriture de Nurgle est endémique dans son système, défigurant son peau et tourmentant son esprit. C’est seulement en sa force de caractère qu’il n’avait pas succombé.

Humour aside, Oswald is a formidable librarian in his own right. He battles daily though against the affliction that plagues every member of Fellios' crew; Nurgle's Rot runs rampant in his system, desecrating his flesh and tormenting his mind. It is only through sheer force of will that he has not yet succumbed in body and soul.

Oswald the Indigestible

Oswald the Indigestible

Tables des matières

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